Mistakes to Avoid if You Face Foreclosure

For many people, the saying “when it rains, it pours” rings very true. Case in point: many people face financial difficulties after being laid off or suffering from illness. Since they can’t work or have huge medical expenses, they often fall behind on mortgage payments. Before long, the mortgage company would send a notice of foreclosure—an unfortunate culmination to an already hapless situation.

When faced with these seemingly insurmountable odds, it’s hard to see things clearly, and people often commit mistakes that make their situation even worse. If you’re dealing with foreclosure, be sure to avoid these mistakes:

Giving Up

Contesting your foreclosure may seem like a David-versus-Goliath scenario. Before throwing in the towel, though, look at all the options available to you. That way, you can make an informed decision on how to move forward.

Not Hiring an Attorney Immediately

It will be wise for people to hire a foreclosure attorney who can help them delay the foreclosure proceedings, if not invalidate it completely. These lawyers are well versed in Florida’s foreclosure laws and they will do everything in their power to help you keep your home.

Getting a Mortgage Modification

If you’re struggling to make mortgage payments, it’s tempting to have your loan restructured via the Home Affordable Modification Program (HMAP). In some cases, though, loan restructuring may increase your monthly payments, and many come with exorbitant “balloon payment” terms that require you to pay a huge lump sum after a set amount of years.

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